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What is Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

1. In cazul accesoriilor, dupa alegerea produsului dorit de de pe siteul oficial al producatorului, va rugam sa ne comunicati denumirea modelului si dupa caz codul acestuia (in general notat cu "SKU") In cazul accesoriilor, trebuie retinut ca unele dintre acestea, daca sunt importate din Statele Unite, departamentul de stat al comertului din SUA va impune ca producatorul sa aplice pentru o licenta de export care poate dura chiar si mai multe luni dar in general ea dureaza 2-3 saptamani. In aceasta categorie de accesorii intra de exemplu sistemele de tragaci. Restul accesoriilor nu suporta aceasta conditie iar timpul de livrarebeste este mai scurt, evident in limita stocului disponibil al producatorului.
2. In cazul armelor de foc procedura de import fie ca este vorba despre transferul intracomunitar sau despre un import extracomunitar (din state terte) trebuie stiut ca cel ce comanda trebuie sa posede un permis de arma (de tir sportiv, vanatoare, aparare si paza, colectie) eliberat de catre autoritatile competente din Romania. In cazul ca sunteti la prima arma trebuie sa aveti autorizatia de procurare de arma letala eliberata de catre SAESP teritorial. Aducerea armei dorite in Romania va urma procedura legala (permis de import/acord prealabil, permis de export/permis de transfer). Acest lucru va face ca importul propriu-zis sa dureze anumite perioade de timp conform legii 295/2004 cu completarile ulterioare.
When applying a sunscreen to your face, it is recommended to use spfs for face specifically to avoid acne breakouts and skin irritation, especially in individuals with acne-prone, oily skin. A helpful tip is to look for facial sunscreens labeled as “non comedogenic” (meaning it won’t block your pores) or for “acne-prone” skin.
The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends applying sunscreen every day at least 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and reapply at least every 2 hours and immediately after swimming or sweating to help decrease your risk of skin cancers and skin pre-cancers, and help prevent premature skin aging caused by the sun. Even when it’s cloudy, up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV radiation reaches the earth. Not protecting your skin with SPF every day, even on an overcast day, can lead to sun damage.
The sun’s rays are strongest typically around 10am to 4pm all year round so it is recommended to be diligent about SPF and sun protection during this time of day. Nonetheless, when there’s sunlight, there’s potential for a burn – especially if you’re fair-skinned and burn easily.
Facial sunscreens that are labeled non-comedogenic (meaning it won’t block your pores) have been tested for daily facial use in individuals with acne-prone, oily skin. With that being said, individuals with acne-prone, oily skin are often advised to test the facial sunscreen on a small area on the face prior to full facial application. We recommend our non-comedogenic Anthelios Clear Skin Oil Free Sunscreen SPF 60 for those with acne prone- and oily skin.